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Quanta 30ea 86.09 Motherboard Support Drivers

Thanks for your help, really appreciate it. Am using Windows Vista. I tried the link you gave me and got as far as the following message: 'You must accept the HP Download Manager software to use HP's automatic features. Your security settings may be preventing installation of the ActiveX control needed to use HP's download manager. Note to Windows XP SP2 users: click on the information bar at the top of this page and select 'Install ActiveX Control.'

To use the HP download manager.' Guess I need to change my security settings.and dont know how to! Any further help please? Regards Kevin Tech no.

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Quanta 30ea 86.09 Motherboard Support  Drivers

Kevintechno wrote: I am using Windows Vista. I tried the link you gave me and got as far as the following message: 'You must accept the HP Download Manager software to use HP's automatic features.

Your security settings may be preventing installation of the ActiveX control needed to use HP's download manager. Note to Windows XP SP2 users: click on the information bar at the top of this page and select 'Install ActiveX Control.'

To use the HP download manager.' Guess I need to change my security settings.and dont know how to! Any further help please? Hello kevintechno, Thanks for the information on the operating system.

The link is for Vista downloads. Disregard any warnings about Windows XP. If it request you to install active x, just click on the yellow bar at the top of the download screen, and install active x. This would be safe from HP. Comcast Internet Download Speed Slow here.

Then, either download and save this file to your hard drive, in a location that you can locate the file later for the installation, or just select to run the update without saving it to the hard drive. I prefer to save these downloads, in case they become unavailable later. I did notice two different driver versions.

It depends on the device you have in your system as to which download you may need. You can look in the Device Manager and may be able to determine the audio device on your system. It may be possible to uninstall the device in the Control Panel and reboot the system. When Windows gets to the desktop, it may recogonize the audio device and load the drivers for it automatically. Again, this may or may not resolve the issue. Hope this helps.

Download Free Mr Hudson Straight No Chaser Rapidshare Downloader more. Hello kevintechno (yes), That is really great news. These little issues can really be annoying.

I experienced an issue much the same, just the other day. I have an older system (5 years old) that was in the closet that I took out of service.

Just to have something to do, I attempted to install Windows 7 on it, and of course it did install but had no audio. I searched long and hard and finally found some drivers that would work with Windows 7 and the old audio device. Now I need an newer video card, since my current one will not support Aero. You mentioned the word 'Genius'. That sort of gives me a chuckle, since, not bragging, I do have an IQ of 158. Spent time in the military, survived cancer 3 times, 2 strokes, 9 broken bones, blindness, and on and on. Retired and disabled, body and mind, but still living life and loving it.

I have helped people with their computers for nearly 30 years and never charged one cent. Very happy to be able to do it.

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